8 Benefits of Change Management
The benefits of change management are associated with how its managed. So to answer this question you need to make some assumptions about how you manage change. To reap real benefits you also need to manage change well! The assumptions we have made are based on several articles we’ve written about change.
Firstly, in define change management we stressed that change should be viewed as combining:
- Context – the environment in which change is taking place.
- Content – what the change actually is.
- Process – the activities and approaches being applied to manage change, relevant to the context and content.
- People – their view on change, their ideas and commitment.
- Purpose – clear reasons as to why the change is taking place.
Defining change in this way, with reference to context, content, process, people and purpose, is the first step in maximising the potential benefits of change management.
Secondly, in a definition of change management, we argued that change should be more than following a process and implementing steps. It should also be guided by principles which help to shape the changes you wish to make. So in that article we proposed 4 principles to help shape change:
- The principle of care: “First, do no harm”
- The principle of the golden rule: “Do as you would be done by”
- The principle of admitting you don’t know: “I don’t know and don’t think that I do.”
- The principle of insufficient mandate: “those unable to change themselves cannot change those around them.”
Thirdly, in our article: a change management model, we looked at appreciative inquiry as a positive approach to change management. This addressed the increased likelihood of successful change management, where the focus of change builds on existing strengths.
In doing so we argued that much of the change in our organisations would benefit if it started from a strength-based position. This is rather than a deficit mind-set, such as focusing on what is wrong. Building from the strength of what is currently done well in the organisation is both a positive way forward, and is far more likely to engage staff to help shape the changes.
The 8 benefits of change management
These three articles form the basis of our assumptions on the best way to manage change. Click on the links above to read more but, here in summary are main benefits of change management.
Managing change:
- Puts you in a better position to be ready for change: fore-warned is fore-armed!
- Develops better understanding of the kind of change required – understanding that different characteristics of change need different approaches.
- Helps you implement a process to navigate the required change.
- Brings clarity to why change is necessary and what it will achieve.
- Builds commitment to work together, to bring people with you.
- Can help you appreciate what is currently done well, so that the future is built on strengths which currently exist within the organisation.
- Shapes change through principles which establish how it is to be managed – the principles upon which change is shaped.
- Delivers change that results in real improvements – all improvement involves change, but not all change brings improvement.
Of course, we have already said that these benefits of change management must always be considered in relation to your own circumstances. So think about your context, content, process, people and purpose, to see how our summary of benefits might be interpreted to your particular change situation.
For more about the meaning or nature of change management, you might also like to read our other articles: What is Change Management or A theory of Change Management.
Making change management easier!
This is one of the tips in our managing change series. For some practical tips on how to manage change, look at our great-value guides (below). These include some excellent tools to help you change yourself, and manage change at work.
The best way to use these is to buy our Managing Change bundle, available from the store. We’ve bundled together five e-guides, available at half the normal price!
Read the guides in this order and use the tools in each. Then change it – on time, in budget!
5 guides, 136 pages, 25 tools, for half price!