Making Better Decisions
Some people argue that decision making is the most difficult aspect of management. They may have a point given its scale and scope, constant presence, and potential impact.
There is no doubt that the decisions you make shape the business you are in. So how can you make better decisions? You’ll find some answers in this downloadable e-guide. It’s packed with practical tools, clear processes, great tools, useful tips, thoughtful insights, and emerging ideas on “nudging” decisions.
Content: 33 pages and 5 tools
Format: Downloadable pdf with in-text, hyper-links for easy navigation.
We’ve used [the guides] as support tools for learners on our talent management programmes which has saved me a lot of time and a lot of money. I’d definitely recommend them.
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If you’re interested in more decision making resources, don’t miss out on our great, bulk-buy offer. You can get the complete set of decision making e-guides right now for HALF PRICE. Click on the image below for more details. Start making better decisions today!