Why is Teamwork Important?


Have you ever been a part of a team that has really worked well? Or perhaps you’ve seen a team that really does deliver? Have you ever thought what it is that they do differently?

It’s not just that they do their jobs well. Perhaps they are somehow better together, conveying a sense of belonging and joy in what they do. There can seem to have an elusive quality about them, which we often describe as teamwork. This e-guide answers the key question: why is teamwork important? It does this by introducing some teamwork principles and exploring the answers to other key questions:

  • What kind of work are teams best suited for?
  • What makes teams work?

But don’t miss out on our great half price offer. You can get the complete set of our teamwork e-guides right now for HALF PRICE. Click here for details: Teams bundle half price offer.

What's inside?

Content: 29 pages, 5 tools

Format: downloadable pdf with in-text hyper-link navigation feature

  • The value of teamwork
    These are fantastic little e-books, very thorough, easy to follow

    We’ve used [the guides] as support tools for learners on our talent management programmes which has saved me a lot of time and a lot of money. I’d definitely recommend them.

    Kieleigh - United Kingdom

  • Teamwork principles
  • STARS and stages
  • Making teamwork work
  • What work is right for teams?
  • Unlocking the potential of teams
  • Tool 1: Checklist for the guide
  • Tool 2: Why is teamwork important?
  • Tool 3: Creating the conditions for teamwork
  • Tool 4: What work is best suited to teams?
  • Tool 5: Team building
Sample Preview

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Why is Teamwork Important? e-guide

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If you’re interested in more teams resources, don’t miss out on our great, bulk-buy offer. Buy our bundle of teams e-guides for HALF PRICE. Click on the image below for more details. Start becoming a building a better team  today!