Self Motivation Techniques

For coping with difficult work!

Self Motivation Techniques

For coping with difficult work!

Sometimes we may need self motivation techniques to help us cope with difficult situations in the workplace.

Whatever might be affecting your well-being at work, here are some techniques which may help you change things for the better. These techniques are based on “re-framing” our view our work. Either changing the way we approach work, or thinking differently about our work situations.

At some point in our lives, most of us will have found ourselves working somewhere we’d rather not be. For all kinds of reasons, we may not be happy with our work situations. The problem is, it’s not always possible to simply leave a job, regardless of how unhappy it may make us.

However, even in these situations, it’s still possible to apply self motivation techniques to help us through the difficult times. What can we do? Several things including:

  • Changing your mind and attitude about the situation. You can decide to view your work differently.
  • Changing what you do in the situation. Decide you want to change what is happening and become a part of the change. This may be in actively promoting or facilitating a positive change in your work.
  • Moving away from what you don’t like. Try to move within the organization you work for. It may be that a change of manager, or transfer to a different area might make all the difference. If these three self motivation techniques still don’t make things better, then it may just be time to look at different alternatives elsewhere.

This is one of our Manage in a Minute pages. These contain essential tips on fundamental management topics. No fuss or side-tracks, they get straight to the point.

Here, in a series of bullet points which can be read in a minute (ish!), are our self motivation techniques to help change your mind about work.

Self Motivation Techniques: Change your Mind

Self motivation techniquesOur attitude to life is largely our own business so there is much about our own happiness that we can control. Try applying these self motivation techniques to re-frame your work:

  • Even if you can’t spend all of your time doing the specific aspects of your job that bring you the most happiness, try to adopt a positive mental attitude to all of your work. Try to “re-frame” how you feel about your work.
  • Did you once love what you do? Try to rekindle the fire! Remember what it was that you once enjoyed and make a conscious effort to feel that way again.
  • Think about the good things in your day – routines, surprises, relationships, small rewards. Focus on these positives, rather than the negatives that make you unhappy.
  • Think about the overall contribution your organisation makes to its customers or to society in general. Focus on your own input to this contribution.
  • Try to consciously think the best about your work, rather than the worst. Positive thinking, looking for the best in people or situations, can work wonders if you just give it a try.

If things are really difficult at work, and for the time being you need to still be there, then Bob Sutton has some good advice. His book: The No Asshole Rule offers some suggestions on how to “re-frame” your view work.

Cultivate a Healthy Indifference

  • Hope for the best but expect the worst! You may need to keep your expectations of the behaviour of others and of your organisation low, but continue to believe that you will be fine after the ordeal/difficulties.
  • Cultivate a healthy indifference. Decide what matters to you. A vast amount is written about passion and commitment in organisations, but Sutton suggests that perhaps more importantly we should be helping people to adopt a healthy indifference to some things. Ask yourself whether some things at work really matter and begin to think differently. You decide what matters, and sometimes indifference is healthy

These can be useful approaches to help get you through difficult times. However, if your difficulties with colleagues, clients, bosses or organisations really are proving too much, then perhaps the only answer is to move. In that case, these self motivation techniques won’t solve your issues, but they may help you cope while you make your alternate plans.

More help with self motivation skills

If you want some more insights into self motivation skills, look at some of the e-guides in the Workplace Well-being section of our store.

Workplace Well-being e-guidesWe’ve bundled together these six PDF e-guides to help your well-being in the workplace. At half the normal price! Read the guides in this order and use the tools in each. They are great value, packed with practical advice, tips and tools on how to motivate yourself (and others) to perform. (6 pdf guides, 176 pages, 26 tools, 15 tips and 22 insights for half price!)

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I just wanted to say what a great site this is!

Excellent information to get everything back into perspective.

Claudio - South Africa

What a terrific resource site!

I am currently producing learning materials to support the Institute of Leadership and Management’s VRQ at Level 4 and would like to incorporate some of your stuff into the workbooks.

Tony - UK

Excellent really helpful!!

Excellent really helpful!!

Aqsa - Pakistan

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