5 Self Motivation Skills

How to Manage Your Energy

5 Self Motivation Skills

How to Manage Your Energy

Without self motivation skills to manage and renew your energy, the desire to get things done can rapidly evaporate.In our article “Job Burnout” we introduced three sources of energy to help energize your work:

  • The energy that is generated by focusing on your strengths: do more of what you are good at, and use your strengths productively.
  • The energy that is nurtured in relationships: develop and encourage a network of energy-rich supportive relationships at work. Think especially of the power of relationships demonstrated in teamwork.
  • The energy born in purpose: Develop meaningful goals for yourself and for your colleagues. Contribute to shaping the values in your area and more widely in the organisation.

Your self motivation skills will be sharpened and optimised if you think ENERGY! How? Try spending some time thinking about your personal energy issues in the workplace.

Below we suggest some ways to help you manage your personal energy at work. Use these to think about how you manage your energy effectively, remain energized and motivated, how you achieve your goals, and to help you really enjoy your work. Useful self motivation skills indeed!

Manage your energy with 5 self motivation skills
Stop and think about self motivation skills

Make notes on each of the following, looking for cause, effect and action to be taken to address them. At first glance they may seem simplistic and obvious but how often do you sit down and take stock of any or all of them? Well maybe now is the time! Take a few minutes and think about your workload in relation to each of the following categories:

1 Energy Sourcing

Where do you get your energy from? Much has been written about the importance of proper diet, exercise and environment in ensuring good energy levels so start with some thought there. Don’t overlook the importance of emotional and psychological energy sources though.

Whether it’s doing more of what you’re good at, building networks of positive relationships, trying to create more choice in what you do, taking time to review your progress, or to learn and develop your own capability.

2 Energy Sapping

Think about what (or who) saps most of your energy whilst at work. Can these be better managed, reduced, avoided or even eliminated?

3 Energy Saving

Where can you conserve your energy? Anyone who tries to work flat out all of the time will almost surely end up that way! Analysing you work patterns and prioritising your efforts are important. Especially if you have trouble controlling the energy sappers.

4 Energy Supplying

Try to be someone who is a source of energy for others. Be careful not to allow yourself to be overburdened here, but it’s paradoxical how the act of giving can be energising. Becoming a source of energy for others can make you feel better. Think about how much you offer support and encouragement or share your knowledge and expertise.

5 Energy Sustaining

Sustainability is crucial so try to make sure you get the energy balance right. You should regularly think about these issues, analyse your findings, then take action.

Motivation and energy often go together. Energy is often defined as the capacity to perform work, whilst motivation is considered to be the intent or desire to act. The skills we have discussed in this article help bring intent together with the capacity and capability to achieve.

More help with self motivation skills

If you want some more insights into self motivation skills, look at some of the e-guides in the Workplace Well-being section of our store.

Workplace Well-being e-guidesWe’ve bundled together these six PDF e-guides to help your well-being in the workplace. At half the normal price! Read the guides in this order and use the tools in each. They are great value, packed with practical advice, tips and tools on how to motivate yourself (and others) to perform. (6 pdf guides, 176 pages, 26 tools, 15 tips and 22 insights for half price!)

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