Leadership Essentials
What are the essentials of leadership?
Search Amazon.com for “leadership” books and you’ll find over 40,000 titles from which to choose. It seems everyone has a view on leadership but how is it possible to learn about leadership, and how do you learn how to be a better leader?
This guide is the place to start. It’s packed with easy-to-read insights into the essentials of leadership. And easy-to-use tools to help you be a better leader.
Content: 31 pages, 7 tools
Format: downloadable pdf with in-text hyper-link navigation feature
Leadership and management knowledge is not static. It must be dynamic if it’s to help us respond to the constantly changing environment in which our businesses operate.
Some ideas may well have a timeless quality about them, others may have had their time and have a diminishing relevance for the future. Therefore, what we know about leadership and management should be under regular review.
We’ve used [the guides] as support tools for learners on our talent management programmes which has saved me a lot of time and a lot of money. I’d definitely recommend them.
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