Better Managing: Tips for First-Time Managers
11 February 2021
Better Managing: Tips for First-Time Managers
Here are some tips on better managing, especially for first-time managers (guest post from Lyndsi Decker).
Earning a promotion to the management level in any business is a proud moment in a person’s career. However, once a person has basked in the glow of their achievement, it is time to get to work. Becoming a manager for the first-time may be exciting; however, it is important for a person to learn how to balance their company’s goals while also keeping their employees motivated. For this reason, the following tips are offered to help first-time managers to get started on making a difference in their company.
Observe and Learn
Although it is tempting to jump in and start making changes immediately, it is important for a first-time manager in a new company to take some time to learn how everything works. This can be done by simply observing the company’s operations for a few days and by talking to people who have been there for a long time. Often, past managers and other employees have valuable insight that can help a new manager with making important decisions.
Keep Changes Simple at First
When first taking on a management position, making major changes can result in disastrous consequences. Not only can this result in resentment from the employees, but it can also create confusion for the entire company. Instead, a person should incorporate minor changes over a longer period of time that will ultimately result in significant improvements.
Make Your Own Judgments
New managers often become privy to all of the company gossip as everyone jostles to win their favor. However, it is important to keep an open mind while meeting with each individual. This way, a first-time manager can learn about each person’s aspirations, work ethic and personal track record. Then, they can begin to earn the respect and support of those who are dedicated to their company.
Encourage Positive Change
After a first-time manager has gained enough insight into how the company works, they can then make a dramatic move that improves the working conditions for the employees. Almost every work environment has something that is holding their employees back from reaching their full potential such as too much paperwork or not enough support. By making the first change one that will improve everyone’s working conditions, a new manager can make it clear that they value their team.
Better Managing
Once a first-time manager has followed these simple tips, they will understand the members of their team better as well as how they function in their everyday environment. Then, they can continue to build upon their progress while showing support to their staff.
By taking the time to ease into their new position, first-time managers can avoid costly mistakes while developing a strategy that will ensure both better managing and their long-term success.
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