Dealing with Job Loss
Survive and thrive with 'Plan A'
Survive and thrive with 'Plan A'
Faced with job loss? Sadly, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in massive disruption to employers and employees alike. If, like all too many people around the world, you’ve lost your job as a result of this tragedy, hopefully the hints on this page will help.
Whether you’ve been made redundant, not been made permanent, or been dismissed for any reason, losing your job can be devastating. On the other hand, however difficult you might find coping with forced change, there can be positives in such situations. Dealing with job loss can be one of life’s most traumatic experiences but here is our Plan-A, to help you survive and thrive again.
Take some time to read through the plan, and think about how you might be able to put it to good use. Or at the very least, it might offer some useful tips on how to stop worrying.
Maybe this example of a personal development plan can help you on your way to finding happiness in life again.
In these trying times, it’s quite likely that the reason is obvious. But if not, try to find out exactly why you’ve lost your job. If it was an economic decision at least it wasn’t personal. If it was something you did wrong you may need to do some soul-searching. Or perhaps the job just wasn’t right for you or for your employer. Either way, you need to know for your own benefit, and for future reference – any future employer is bound to ask.
Let the dust settle. Don’t go into hibernation or mourning, but take as much time as you can afford in order to accept what’s happened. This will help you to avoid any poor judgments or hasty decisions. It’s not uncommon for people suffering from trauma to go through predictable phases. You may experience denial, anger, bargaining, and depression before the acceptance which may allow you to move on.
It’s possible (if not probable) that losing your job will leave you in short term difficulties. Deal with the practicalities as soon as you can. Your immediate financial situation will need to be appraised, as may elements of your lifestyle. Some short-term savings may give you breathing-space but you may need advice over longer-term financial matters and career options.
Were you happy in your previous employment? What circumstances surrounded your work or profession? Are there any trends, threats or opportunities that need to be factored into your future actions. Think about your personal situation. Are you happy where you‘re living? Is now the time to make changes based on changing family circumstances, such as children growing up.
Try to be positive. After coming to terms with the practical and emotional issues surrounding your job loss, try to see this as an opportunity. You’ve taken stock of your personal or professional situation, now try to think about how you can make positive changes. This might be just the prompt to make that domestic or career move you’ve always thought about, or maybe it’s time to down-size to make room for other pursuits.
Think about what you do next. Is it time for more of the same or time for a change? Formulate your plans. Draw up a list of what’s important to you, what you want from life, and what you need to do to get it. Perhaps you’re in a position to be adventurous – this might be just the opportunity you’ve needed to start on long forgotten dreams or ambitions. Think about putting a plan together. Be sure to involve anybody close to you who is likely to be affected.
Take stock of your personal and professional situation. Have a good, critical look at your CV or resume. Do you have what’s needed to put your plan into operation? If not, what do you need to add or do? More experience, education or practical qualifications? Research any options you’re considering.
Take action. If needed, update your skills or qualifications. If you need more experience before you can put your plan into action, how can you gain it? Build up any networks you might need. Build your plan around SMART objectives. Make them specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded. Go for them! But remember, try your hardest to stay positive…
For your next job – if that’s what you plan to do. Apply the lessons you’ve learned- from losing your job, or from the work you’ve put in since. Nothing in life is wasted if we use it to help us grow. Make sure you learn and benefit from the experience.
Closure from losing your job?
Insights into yourself, your life, your future?
Whatever you set your sights on from here……?
For more helpful and thought-provoking resources look at our great-value guides. These include some excellent tools to help your personal development plan. The best-value approach is to buy our Personal Development bundle, available from the store.
We’ve bundled together these five e-guides at half the normal price! Read the guides in this order, and use the tools in each, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your personal development plan. (5 guides, 125 pages, 26 tools, for half price!)
Manage Your Own Performance (28 pages, 6 tools)
Managers Make the Difference (27 pages, 5 tools)
Managing from Strength to Strength (22 pages, 5 tools)
Making Change Personal (22 pages, 5 tools)
Re-defining Middle Management (26 pages, 5 tools)
Try our great value e-guides